Browse Items (1444 total)

Digitized copy of an address delivered before the Alumni association of Marshall college, September 27th, 1842. 14 pages.

Digitized copy of a pamphlet. Electronic PDF document. 25 pages.
A panel discussion on Clinical Pastoral Education presented by the Lancaster Theological Seminary Seminarian Community Council. Recorded via Zoom January 8, 2021. Digital video recording (mp4). Duration: 1 hour, 47 minutes, 6 seconds.
MP4 file
Recording of a virtual event held December 17, 2020. Library Associate Peggy O'Kane shared information about her experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Kingdom of Tonga from September 2019 through March 2020. Digital video recording (mp4).…

Six digitized copies of black and white photographs. 6 items. TIFF

Four digital Copies of Color photographs taken during the December 2000 open house held for families and friends of Lancaster Theological Seminary. 4 items .tiff

Digitized copy of color photograph of speaker at the 1999 Cook Lecture

Digitized copy of pamphlet. Electronic PDF Document. 42 pages.

Digitized Commencement Address from July 11, 1850. PDF file. 13 pages.

1933 class.tiff
Black and white photograph of Faulty and graduate standing on steps of Lark Building. Names are printed on photograph. 1 TIFF
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