Gallery of Issues - 2002-2009
The New Mercersburg Review is the journal of the Mercersburg Society. It began publication with issue 1, Autumn 1985, and continues to the present. This periodical is also available in print at the Lancaster Theological Seminary Library.
Those wishing to subscribe to the New Mercersburg Review are encouraged to join the Mercersburg Society. A membership application is available on their website.
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Number 31, Autumn 2002
From Misery to Majesty: The Gospel's Response to Human Suffering / Geneva M. Butz
A Cosmic Gospel: John Williamson Nevin on the Church and Ephesians / Greg Carey
The Mystical Presence as Viewed through a Cloud of Witnesses / Allan Kramer-Moyer
Servants of Christ and Stewards of God's Mysteries: A Sermon / Russell Mitman
Number 32, Spring 2003
An Inevitable and Unique Compatability: Some Factors Leading to the Creation of the Evangelical and Reformed Church / Theodore Louis Trost
Sovereignty and Sanctification: Reformed Accents in Ecumenics / Gabriel Fackre
Mercersburg Theology Radicalized / Richard T. Schellhase
A Radical Mercersburg Considered / Linden DeBie
Looking for Grace: A Book Review / Kenneth Aldrich
Number 33, Autumn 2003
Heidelberg and Westminster: Especially on Worship / Daniel Meeter
A Matter of Passion: The Heidelberg Catechism's Unique Theological Method / Lee Barrett
The Mercersburg Society in the Twenty-First Century: Two Presentations / Gabriel Fackre & Peter Goguts
Dwelling Richly in the Word of God: A Sermon / Barbara Kershner Daniel
Douglas Horton, UCC Architect: A Book Review / Benjamin Griffin
Number 34, Spring 2004
Called by Grace: Elucidating and Appropriating the Doctrine of Vocation in Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics / John Tamilio III
First Signs of Contention: The Controversy over Nevin's Revival of the Heidelberg Catechism in the German Reformed Church / Linden DeBie
Melanchthon and the German Reformed Church / Bard Thompson (d. 1964)
She Found It: Book Review / Joseph Basset
Number 35, Autumn 2004
Eucharist, Power and Community: A View from Calvin and Nevin / Anne Thiel Thayer
The Eucharistic Life: From Table to Sidewalk / Timothy J. Mulder
A Sermon / Norman J. Kansfield
Healing Science: A Sermon / Martha Kriebel
The "Core" of Faith: A Book Review / Gabriel Fackre
Number 36, Spring 2005
John Williamson Nevin: The Early Years / John B. Payne
The Puppets from Transylvania Warn Daniel Meeter / Joseph Bassett
Mercersburg and the Liberal Arts at Franklin and Marshall College / Sally F. Griffith
Number 37, Fall 2007
The Church of John / Gabriel Fackre
Incarnation and Atonement, with special reference to Schleiermacher and Mercersburg / Peter Schmiechen
On Reading Schleiermacher in America: Moses Stuart on the Trinity / Clifford B. Anderson
A Review of N.T. Wright's Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense / Kenneth Aldrich
Number 38, Spring 2008
Ursinus, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Augsburg Confession / Lyle D. Bierma
The "Open Table" in Mercersburg Perspective: A Debate between Friends / Gabriel Fackre & Joseph Hedden
Apostolic, Organic and Divided: Mercersburg Then and Faith & Order Now / W. Scott Axford
A Review of Lee Barrett's "The Heidelberg Catechism: A New Translation for the 21st Century" / F. Christopher Anderson
Number 39, Fall 2008
The Use of Scripture in the Liturgical Theology of John Nevin: A Review and Critique / Michael A. Farley
Aquiring Liturgical Literacy: The Ongoing Challenge in the Reformed Church in America / Christopher Dorn
A Communion Sermon / Joseph Alden Bassett
A Letter to the Editor on the "Open Table" in Mercersburg Perspective: A Debate between Friends / Lyn Reith Barrett
"Christ, Creeds & Life" A Book Review