Gallery of Issues - 2009-2014
The New Mercersburg Review is the journal of the Mercersburg Society. It began publication with issue 1, Autumn 1985, and continues to the present. This periodical is also available in print at the Lancaster Theological Seminary Library.
Those wishing to subscribe to the New Mercersburg Review are encouraged to join the Mercersburg Society. A membership application is available on their website.
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Number 41, Fall 2009
War and Peace: The Liturgical Controversy and Its Resolution 1857-1890 / Deborah Rahn Clemons
Book Review: William B. Evans, Imputation and Impartation: Union with Christ in American Reformed Theology / Anne Thayer
Number 42, Spring 2010
The Metamorphoses of the Mercersburg Heritage: Mercersburg Meets Berlin and Basel / Lee C. Barrett
Sermon: Jesus Out in Public / Anne T. Thayer
Book Review: Mark Galli, Beyond Smells and Bells: The Wonder and Power of Christian Liturgy / Kenneth Aldrich
Number 43, Fall 2010
Philip Schaff and John Hughes: Immigrant Romantic Visions of an American Catholicity / Drew Denton
Remembering Donald Bloesch / Gabriel Fackre
A Trinity Sunday Sermon: Resonating with God / John Miller
Book Review: Jonathan G. Bonoma, The Eucharistic Controversy between Charles Hodge and John Williamson Nevin / F. Christopher Anderson
Number 44, Spring 2011
Evangelism in the Shape of Christ: Beyond the Anxious Bench and the Larger Parking Lots / Lee C. Barrett, III
Head, Heart and Spirit: Toward the Incarnational Community / Mark J. Lukens
Book Review: W. Bradford Littlejohn, The Mercersburg Theology and the Quest for Reformed Catholicity / Alan P. F. Sell
Book Review: Hans-Jürgen-Grabbe, Halle Pietism, Colonial North America, and the Young United States / Richard J. Mammana, Jr.
Number 45, Fall 2011
The Liturgical Lessons of Mercersburg / John M. Maxwell
Donald Bloesch: The Last Interview? / Richard E. Burnett
The Church in Advent / Kenneth Aldrich
Book Review: Eberhard Busch, Drawn to Freedom: Christian Faith Today in Conversation with the Heidelberg Catechism / F. Christopher Anderson
Number 46, Spring 2012
Where is Mainline Protestantism Today? / William McKinney
The Nevin Family / John B. Payne
Book Review: The Mystical Presence and the Doctrine of the Reformed Church on the Lord's Supper: The Mercersburg Theology Study Series Volume One, edited by Linden J. DeBie
Book Review: Canon and Creed by Robert W. Jenson
Number 47, Fall 2012
Mainline Protestantism in a Post-Protestant Time / William McKinney
A Liturgical Legacy from the Presbyterians: Introducing the Association for Reformed and Liturgical Worship / Christopher Dorn
Book Review: United and Uniting: An Ecumenical Ecclesiology for a Church in Crisis by Albert J. D. Walsh
A Very Brief Bibliography on the Heidelberg Catechism, the 450th Anniversary 1563-2013
Number 48, Spring 2013
Ursinus Theology vs. Mercersburg Theology / Matthew Stillman
T. S. Eliot's Eucharistic Theology as Evinced in Four Quartets / John Tamilio, III
Book Review: The Eucharist's Biographer by Albert J. D. Walsh / Deborah Rahn Clemons
Number 50, Spring 2014
Commemoration of the Origin of the Craigville Theological Colloquies / Llewellyn Parsons Smith
Greetings from the Former President and General Minister of the UCC to the 30th Craigville Theological Colloquy / Avery Post
12 Common Hermeneutic Assumptions in the Evangelical and Catholic Tradition of Augustine, Chrysostom, Bernard, Calvin and Barth / F. Christopher Anderson
A Sermon: Is Christ Divided? / Kenneth Aldrich